Gotta dance? Those of you who have been looking in vain for Y. Daniel's essential Rumba: dance and social change in contemporary Cuba, or C. Howard's classic Just one more dance: a collection of old western square dance calls (you know who you are) should know that the library has moved all volumes with the "GV" call number designation to the Education Library, located (sensibly enough, but we here at What's Up have learned not to take such things for granted) in the Education Building, where all the other "G" volumes already reside. But there is no need to panic. Rest assured that a legit U of S library card allows you much the same borrowing privileges at all campus libraries.
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
Gotta dance? Those of you who have been looking in vain for Y. Daniel's essential Rumba: dance and social change in contemporary Cuba, or C. Howard's classic Just one more dance: a collection of old western square dance calls (you know who you are) should know that the library has moved all volumes with the "GV" call number designation to the Education Library, located (sensibly enough, but we here at What's Up have learned not to take such things for granted) in the Education Building, where all the other "G" volumes already reside. But there is no need to panic. Rest assured that a legit U of S library card allows you much the same borrowing privileges at all campus libraries.