Congratulations to
Pauline Melis, Director of Institutional Planning at this university and proud history graduate (BA High Hons, 1977, MA 1982), who was recently awarded the
President's Service Award for her instrumental role in the creation of all major policy and planning documents at the U of S over the past 15 years. Pulling these documents together has required vast effort, patience, skill, and fortitude, not to mention diplomatic skills of a high order. We here at What's Up shamelessly trade on the success of our distinguished alumni, but we honestly suspect that Pauline's training in history shows in her ability to take on so many varied projects over the years; in her grasp of both the details and the big picture of this sprawling cluster of semi-autonomous institutional fiefdoms; and in a certain sense of perspective (and irony) that helps her see beyond the crisis of the day.
Click here to read more about Pauline and her path from the seventh floor.