The HUSA Film Series resumes on Tuesday, January 24th with a gala presentation of The Emporer and the Assassin, an epic starring Li Gong (a.k.a. Gong Li) set during the unification of China in the 3rd century B.C.E. Adam Toews of HUSA will introduce the film. 7 PM, ARTS 241. Free. Everyone welcome. Click here to learn more about this film.
Monday, January 16, 2006
The HUSA Film Series resumes on Tuesday, January 24th with a gala presentation of The Emporer and the Assassin, an epic starring Li Gong (a.k.a. Gong Li) set during the unification of China in the 3rd century B.C.E. Adam Toews of HUSA will introduce the film. 7 PM, ARTS 241. Free. Everyone welcome. Click here to learn more about this film.