ALMOST UPON US! The very much-anticipated 9th Annual Michael Swan History Honours Colloquium will be held throughout the day this Friday, January 27th at the Diefenbaker Centre. The colloquium will feature a record-breaking 27 student presentations and, as ever, a damn fine lunch. Everyone welcome. As for location, the directionally impaired among you may wish to consult the map to the right. Click here to return to our departmental motherpage, then scroll down and click on the link in "Coming Events" to see the Official Colloquium Programme in all its pdf glory! Or, for a reasonable facscimile, click on the image immediately below, then click again to render it more or less legible.
Monday, January 23, 2006
ALMOST UPON US! The very much-anticipated 9th Annual Michael Swan History Honours Colloquium will be held throughout the day this Friday, January 27th at the Diefenbaker Centre. The colloquium will feature a record-breaking 27 student presentations and, as ever, a damn fine lunch. Everyone welcome. As for location, the directionally impaired among you may wish to consult the map to the right. Click here to return to our departmental motherpage, then scroll down and click on the link in "Coming Events" to see the Official Colloquium Programme in all its pdf glory! Or, for a reasonable facscimile, click on the image immediately below, then click again to render it more or less legible.