Tuesday, April 18, 2006

POTTER-HEADS TAKE NOTE: this summer, John Porter (not Potter) will preside over groups reading the first volume of the Harry Potter (not Porter) series in its Latin and Attic Greek translations. If you'd like to join in, contact John at john.porter@usask.ca and let him know when you might be available. And be sure to tell all your friends!

For a sample of the Potter texts, click here. And here.

Never one for half measures, John has, for the Latin version, begun a grammatical commentary to help first-year students deal with constructions they haven't yet met or haven't had time to become comfortable with (esp. uses of the subjunctive, the gerund, and the gerundive). You can find this Porter text at: http://duke.usask.ca/~porterj/latin/potter.pdf.

Finally, if your hankering for Latin inclines you to more elevated (and longer) subject matter, a group led by Lewis Stiles is working through the Vulgate Bible. Contact Lewis at stilesl@shaw.ca.