Monday, January 30, 2006

One of our more attentive and, indeed, far-flung correspondents reports that Omeasoo Butt (BA hons, 2005) will be a featured contestant in an hour-long CTV special due to air February 4th: The Next Great Prime Minister. Former PMs Joe Clark, Brian Mulroney, Kim Campbell and John Turner will serve as judges (Jean Chretien will be out of the country). Omeasso and the three other finalists will present a speech, take part in a question-answer session, engage in a debate, and dispense financial favours to friends (this last has yet to be confirmed, but if you are an old school chum you might wish to take note, nonetheless.) The finalists were chosen from hundreds of young Canadians who were invited to send in videotaped speeches on what they would do if they were prime minister. The winner gets a $50,000 prize, an internship award and the endorsement of a quartet of former national political leaders.