Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Classical, Medieval and Renaissance Studies (CMRS) is for the first time offering an Intensive Summer Latin Program which will credit students with first year Latin (Latin 112.3, Intersession Terms 1 & 2; Latin 113.3, Summer Session Terms 1 & 2) upon successful completion of 14 weeks of study at 2 hours per day. Second year Latin will as usual be taught in the Winter Session (202.3, Term 1 and 203.3, Term 2). This means that summer Latin students, starting in May, will be able to do the equivalent of two full years of Latin in one calendar year; note that a minimum of two years of this language is generally needed to acquire a “reading knowledge” of Latin.

For all of you Latin-starved readers out there in the wider universe, this represents yet another reason to come to sunny, leafy, affordable Saskatoon to attend summer school at the U of S.