Wednesday, February 02, 2005

The University of Saskatchewan library has acquired a subscription to the full-text catalog of Proquest Dissertations and Theses (formerly Proquest Digital Dissertations). For U. of S. library users, this means that most M.A. and Ph.D. dissertations produced in North Amercan universities (and many written at U.K. universities) since 1997 are available immediately and in their entirety as .pdf files. Having opened the file, the search facilty in Adobe Reader can provide a de facto index. Note that some older dissertations have been made available as well: What's Up found a still-relevant Yale doctoral dissertation from 1939, in its entirety. Faculty and grad students will find this a treasure trove of vital scholarly work, much of it state-of-the-art, and advanced undergrads will also want to avail themselves of this latest remarkable addition to our university holdings. U. of S. users can click here to see for themselves. (What's Up tip #314: having searched and found a likely item, click "Page Image pdf" to open the dissertation. If you double-click on the title, however you will be taken to a page inviting you to pay $38 US for the same privilege. Try to resist the impulse to pay.)