The sun shines and all seems right with the world, but it is not so.
It is with the deepest regret that we report the death of Rogan Bailey Garner (August 15 to October 30, 2006), beloved daughter of our friend and student Chris Garner and his wife Megan Garner. Our hearts and our thoughts are with Chris, Megan, and the Garner family. Please click here for a loving tribute to Rogan.
And we are sad to report that two other friends and members of our extended History family, both of them doctoral candidates as it happens, have lost loved ones in recent days.
We offer our condolences to Denyse Saint-Georges-Smith and her family. Denyse's mother died on October 29.
And we extend our deepest sympathies to Merle Massie and her family. Merle's brother died in tragic circumstances just yesterday, November 1.